
What Is VPN and How Do I Use It?

Many people use the Internet  tend to have the “I have nothing to hide,” mentality. But such mentality is same as saying “I do not care about my rights.” This article is for those who do care about their rights, as well as for those who think about security on the Internet . We’ll tell you in simple terms about what a VPN is, why it is needed, and how to use it. What is  VPN? VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPN is a technology that provides an encrypted connection on top of your Internet connection.   Thanks to VPN you will be protected from interception of logins / passwords in unprotected or public WI-FI networks, your browser history will not be accessible to anyone, and you will stop worrying about compromising your credit card details. What does VPN do? VPN replaces your real IP with a mock one, for example, from a different country. If you use VPN, then you are almost invisible online. Encrypts the connection – neither your provider nor the system adminis